- Create a sequence
- Add all pictures from my blog to a layer
- Make an intro with fast moving pictures and title
- Add pictures to the layer after the intro
- Make blurred backgrounds moving slowly bigger and add default transition\
- Add pictures to a different layers
- Make them slide form right to left
- Choose two songs and add them into a layer
- Adjust song's length to make a good transition to another song
- Add default transition to beginning, shifting, and ending of songs.
- Add text "Thanks for Watching" at the ending of slide show
- Add picture of muffin and make it move to bye-bye to the audience.
- Done!
Extra things I did...
- Changed the length of transitions
- Make the muffin image rotate
- Added the last slide "Thanks for watching"
- Added a animated muffin in last slide
- Change the speed/duration of last slide of intro (rotating muffin)
- Make the transition of song in the video smoother