Thursday, October 18, 2018

Video Editing - Basic - Project 1

Project 1 - Beautiful Lakes

How I made this video
  1. Open Premiere and create a new project
  2. Change to Assembly mode
  3. Collect 10 pictures and drop them into the space '' Import the media to start''.
  4. Add sequence (Click File, New, and Sequence)
  5. In the setting of new sequence, choose HDV and HDV 1080p30 and click OK to apply them.
  6. Select all picture imported and drag them into the editing bar (V1).
  7. Change to Effects mode
  8. Select the first picture in the editing space
  9. Add scale effect in the Effect Controls to make the picture move bigger
  10. Do the same things to all the other pictures
  11. Add text (Click T beside the editing bars).
  12. Change the font, color and size
  13. Make the text move by adjusting position in Effect Controls
  14. Change to Assembly mode
  15. Select all pictures and change the speed/duration into 5;00
  16. Place all pictures after the edited pictures in (V1) bar
  17. Make those pictures blur 
  18. Add scale effects to make them move bigger
  19. Copy and paste attribute the effects to all the other pictures
  20. In the Assembly mode, select all pictures and drop them into editing bar (V2)
  21. Make sure the those pictures are not covering screen (if they are, add scale effect to make them smaller)
  22. Add position effects to make them slide from the right to the left.
  23. Copy and paste attribute the effects to all the other pictures
  24. Find a  music and drop it into the editing bar (A2)
  25. Adjust the length of music
  26. Export the video 
  27. Done!!