Project 1 - Beautiful Lakes
How I made this video
- Open Premiere and create a new project
- Change to Assembly mode
- Collect 10 pictures and drop them into the space '' Import the media to start''.
- Add sequence (Click File, New, and Sequence)
- In the setting of new sequence, choose HDV and HDV 1080p30 and click OK to apply them.
- Select all picture imported and drag them into the editing bar (V1).
- Change to Effects mode
- Select the first picture in the editing space
- Add scale effect in the Effect Controls to make the picture move bigger
- Do the same things to all the other pictures
- Add text (Click T beside the editing bars).
- Change the font, color and size
- Make the text move by adjusting position in Effect Controls
- Change to Assembly mode
- Select all pictures and change the speed/duration into 5;00
- Place all pictures after the edited pictures in (V1) bar
- Make those pictures blur
- Add scale effects to make them move bigger
- Copy and paste attribute the effects to all the other pictures
- In the Assembly mode, select all pictures and drop them into editing bar (V2)
- Make sure the those pictures are not covering screen (if they are, add scale effect to make them smaller)
- Add position effects to make them slide from the right to the left.
- Copy and paste attribute the effects to all the other pictures
- Find a music and drop it into the editing bar (A2)
- Adjust the length of music
- Export the video
- Done!!